My name is Dani Saiz. I make stickers,
posters, podcasts, and a bunch more stuff.
But really what I make is art.
That’s what I’m all about.

Monthly Sticker Club &
Monthly Postcard+Sticker Club

Post ‘er up! Post ‘er on the walls of your halls, the walls of your stalls, or or even Post some through the mail! You can do whatever you want once you buy ‘er, just don’t forget to post ‘er!

Stick ’em up! That’s right, only YOU can buy these stickers and slap ’em up all over the place. It is within your authority now: I make ’em, you stick ’em.

The Rest
If you don’t want to post ‘er or stick ‘er, you want to see the rest. I make journals, keychains, and some other accessories. I’ve got a fanny pack! I think that’s pretty neat.